
The limitations of both ERC-20 and ERC-721 as well as their incompatibilities were one of the difficulties in the software architecture of the platform. How we could abate certain problems to make the entire DAO environment possible and with the adoption of the ERC-1155 tokens with the goal of uniting the two worlds in a single contract, overcoming the limitations already described and making its management more efficient. Moreover, this solution would even avoid the huge fragmentation of tokens that exists today, allowing the same type of contract to control both types of tokens.

A moment ago we talked about how ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens had limitations to overcome and that ERC-1155 was the answer to this. At this point you will wonder What can you really do with an ERC-1155? Well, these are some of the possibilities:

We are using EIP 1155 to implement mint functionality for multiple tokens at once. So repeated tokens from the same NFT can be transacted in bulk (even for minting, for example) without having to pay gas to transfer them 1 to 1. It also helps the interface in case some user buys (or gets) repeated tokens. Instead of showing hundreds of them, we can just show the quantity and make it easier for the user to find his or her pictures without going through countless pages.

This means that even if you decide to migrate to Ethereum again (for example after Merge), the gas consumption of the operation won't be absurdly high, and even if the fees are like 10x or 100x higher, it still won't be as expensive to mint thousands of tokens as it would be if we implemented the "normal" ERC 721 standard instead of 1155

We are implementing the interfaces to generate Meta Transactions (allow end users to use the application without paying the gas fee, and the DAO pays for the fees instead of the user). We do this as standard in all our contracts.

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